
We keep our classes small.  Never more than 8 students.  This allows us the time and opportunity to get to know the children individually and to give them the individualized attention they deserve.

While our Fall session will be primarily geared towards getting the kids into competitive robotics, our Winter and Spring sessions will be designed to advance the skills of our fine roboticists and get them ready for the next season!

Competitive robotics is by far the best motivator we have seen to getting kids to want to pursue academic interests.  This is why we will always focus our school towards competitions rather than just an academic pursuit.  The kids simply want to improve thier abilities and therefore want to learn more.  We are happy to teach them all they want to know!

Winter and spring sessions are devoted to teaching kids tools and ideas for them to put together for the following competition season.  Our focus is on programming and building constructs.

We divide these classes into 2 distinct phases.  The first 5 weeks we teach utilizing a standard robot.  Each child gets their own robot and their own computer.  We teach various concepts by challenging the children to fun entertaining excercises.  The second phase is devoted to the Grand Challenge where the children pair up into teams and build and program a robot to compete against the other class teams.  Robotics has to be fun too.  This is the phase where the kids get to explore their imagination and creativity in solving problems.

How to get started