Winter Classes - 4th-7th Grade - Advanced Robotics

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Advanced Robotics

In winter we concentrate a bit more on coding. We teach sensors, algorithms, and ways that students can control their robots better through code. Line following, accurate turns, knowing your robot location, and running multiple code segments within the same program. These are all useful tools for competitions and teaches the kids programming and logic. We will also be teaching a few tricks in the bag that can be used for competitions that some of our older students have put to good use.

Don't worry if your child has taken Advanced VEX IQ previously. We constantly change what we teach in this class and more specifically change the level of the teaching depending on the experience and aptitude of the student from simple algorithms to those using proportional response and getting ready to join the high school teams. This we can do because of our low student to teacher ratios. As always, we teach a little and then give students a cool activity or challenge. Prerequisite: Intorduction to Robotics

The nine week class will have no more than 8 students.

Winter Schedule

What's Next? - Spring Classes

Advanced Robotics -